Monday, March 29, 2010

Photos from last week

So not a whole lot new going on. We finally have some sign of flowering life in the yard- there are these two random little purple flowers that popped up in the middle of the lawn. All the stuff that I posted on last week looks about the same - ugh- I want flowers!!!

I am just going out every few days scanning the yard hoping for some more. The lilacs are putting out more buds and I am getting really excited for those.

This weekend my nephew came and spent some more time with us - here I was drying my hair in my turban-ish towel style. He thought it looked pretty cool and wanted one too. I wrapped up his head in a hand towel and he wore it for a while.

also - I had to go to the eye dr today and they dilated the heck out of my eyes so it is hard for me to see so sorry for any typo's.

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